From Student to Teacher
Hi everyone,
In 2005 I enrolled at the Wackers Academie in Amsterdam, planning to do a year to “get that drawing thing out of my system”. After that I was going to go back to some sort of real job. Well, that never happened!
On Friday 17th February the exhibition “Van Student tot Docent” (From Student to Teacher) opens at the Wackers Academie. The exhibition will show work from the five teachers: Irma Braat, Anna Khodorovich, Dorine van der Ploeg, Pepijn van der Wall Bake and me, who started out as students at the academy. The idea is to show one or two pieces from our graduation time along with some recent work.
Here are the details about time and place. It would be lovely to see some of you there!
Friday 17th February, 16.30
Exhibition runs until 10 March, viewable on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 9.30 and 16.30
Wackers Academie, Eerste Helmersstraat 271
1054 DZ Amsterdam
The work featured on the poster is by Pepijn. Below is a small work of mine which I plan to include in the exhibition.