Self-Portrait Exhibition - jury-selected exhibition of over 100 self portraits!
Just dropped off my two self-portraits "April" and "May" for the exhibition this coming weekend organised by de Nederlandse Portretprijs. Over 100 works were jury-selected, and there are some super works amongst them! It's going to be a wonderful exhibition and I am honoured to hang amongst the other pieces!
The opening is on Friday 31 August at 16h.
Address: Loods 6, KNSM laan 143, 1019 LB Amsterdam.
The exhibition itself is open 11- 17h Friday 31/8 to Sunday 2/9.
I will be at the opening, and occasionally over the weekend. Hope to see you there!

This one is frontal, centred. I'm often drawn to central compositions. The light in my studio is warm so the palette remained quite warm. I always just start somewhere with self portraits and see what I can work out during the process, instead of starting with a fixed idea. That is one of the aspects that is quite liberating about painting yourself.

"May", 18 x 24 cm
I painted this in two quick sessions in my studio, just painting what I saw, no under drawing or underpainting, merely responding to what I could see and working it out on the canvas. The result is quite loose and expressive, with again a relatively warm palette.